Sunday, March 29, 2009

Help Please

I have to go back to work in just about two weeks. My sweet Aaron will be staying home with my darling Brinley but we have one issue. Brinley is outright refusing to take a bottle! We have tried everything, I am out of the room completely, we have tried all different bottles and nipples and she will not budge. If anyone has any great ideas please let us know!


Phil and Cami said...

Bottle are really hard for some babies. We used Breastflow, which has two nipples one inside of the other. It's supposed to simulate the breast. I liked them. There is also another bottle out there that is really expensive but again, supposed to simulate breastfeeding more than a bottle.
If she doesn't catch on to the bottle you might want to try cup feeding. I don't know much about it, but I do know it's what many lactation consultants advise. Medela's bottle tops even double as a cup feeder. Good luck with it!

Berrybritt said...

I need pics with every post please. I am having withdrawls and any pic would be greatly apprecitated!