Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Catching Up

I have been a major blogging slacker mostly because I have to blog from my Ipad and it is not very user friendly. Also, we have been busy. I work a ton and when I am not working I would rather hang out with Aaron and Brinley. With that said, I am going to try harder. Now is time for catch up.

Halloween 2010 Brinley dressed up as a horse and a cowgirl. I am hoping that the pictures made it to my external hard drive because we lost all the pictures on one of our memory cards and I am afraid we lost our Halloween pictures. Anyway, Brinley loved Halloween even though it was a crappy cold rainy day. She refused to wear her Cowgirl hat because it touched her staples and she did not like that at all! We went and trick or treated in Papa and Grammy's neighborhood and Brinley was so excited to get Cheetos at one house. She turned to me and said "Look Mama Cheetos!"

1 week after the staples went in she got them out. That was a horrible experience. The nurses were great and tried to be as quick as possible but it sucked. We had to be very careful with her head for about a month. She wouldn't lay down on it, didn't like to lay her head back in her carseat. It was rough. She is fine now but she still remembers it. She used to love the shower, she would stand in there for hours if we let her but now she usually just wants a bath. She will still tell people about her fall and she brings it up sometimes when she is in trouble. I put her in time out the other day and as she was crying (fake crying) she looked at me and said "I bonk my head in shower." She is too smart for her own good sometimes.

Next up was Thanksgiving. We had great food and great times with family. Here is Brinley all dressed up and ready to go.

And here she is with Nana!
She slept through dinner but had a great time anyway.
The week after Thanksgiving we flew to Denver for a few days so I could attend some training. The only pictures I have are on my phone but Brinley did amazing on her first flight. Nana got her some books about airplanes and she happily sat on our laps and read her books. She got a bit antsy on the flight home but she really was a trooper. This is the only time she will be able to fly without her own seat!

While we were in Denver the concept of peeing and pooping in the potty really clicked with her and we haven't looked back since. She is now completely potty trained and gets to wear big girl panties. We are waiting for her bladder to grow a bit more before she can make it through the night but she does awesome during the day.

Christmas was so fun this year. We first celebrated with Aaron's family.

Here is Brinley in front of the tree waiting to open presents.
She was so excited!

Waiting with Auntie Amanda for her big gift from Grammy and Papa

She was so excited when she saw it!
Her very own horse!

She loves it!

5 minutes later she stripped. My child hates to wear clothes, some days she never gets dressed. She still refuses to wear pajamas and she will do anything not to have to wear clothes.
Then it was time for more presents.

Thanks Grammy, I love my presents.
The horse and this skirt from Great-Grammy and Grandpa Petty have been a huge hit!

Christmas eve was time for more horse riding, this time complete with hat.

Christmas Eve Santa came to visit after Brinley went to bed.

We had to wake her up around 945 or she would have slept all day. She was excited (once again please excuse my underwear clad child, she refuses to wear clothes, ever)

She was super excited about Thomas the train.
She made out like a bandit!
After Christmas morning we headed to Idaho to see the Berry family

Brinley got even more presents and got to hang out with her cousins. She loves them and still asks for Brooklyn and Sam.

Brinley has just been enjoying her Christmas loot. She is a hilarious kiddo.

She dressed herself but at least she has clothes on!

My mom had matching aprons made for me and Brinley for my birthday this year. The other night we were making dinner and Brinley wanted me to take pictures of her in her apron. She is such a ham!

Finally, January is the month of birthdays! My friend Anna and I were pregnant at the same time. She was due January 17th and I was due the 18th. It was so nice to have someone to be pregnant with that I saw about every day. We got to compare stories and aches and pains. She had her beautiful daughter on January 8th with Brinley coming along just 6 days later on the 14th. It has been so fun to watch them both grow. The other night Brinley and I went to Eva's 2nd birthday party at The Little Gym. Then we have a few more birthday parties this month
Dressed and ready to go
The cute little birthday girl.
In the doughnut together.
January girls together

I hope they get to grow up to be great little friends.
Anna used to work with me and I miss her every day.
Brinley getting ready to swing.
Mama watch me!

She had a great time and I can't believe how much she is growing up.
Brinley will be 2 in just a few short days and I can't believe it. She is such a good kid and she amazes me every day. Love you Brinny boo.

That is all for my giant catch up post.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Phil and Cami said...

I can't believe how big and old Brinley is getting!
I think I need to do what you did here and do one quick update...I'm so very far behind!

Jake and Linzey Jordison said...

I can't believe how long her hair is. I love the picture of her on the horse with the pink skirt and glasses on. So fun!