Thursday, December 1, 2011

Wyatt's Story

Around 2am on Wednesday October 5th I woke up with some pretty bad contractions. They continued all night and I didn't sleep much. I called labor and delivery around 630 to see if I should come in. I suspected that my water had broken but I wasn't sure. With Brinley it was super obvious that my water had broken. They told me I should come in and get checked. I woke Aaron up and told him and called my mom to let her know we needed her to take Brinley. We finally made it up to the hospital around 11. They hooked me up to the monitors and I was having contractions about every 6-8 minutes. They checked me and I hadn't progressed any further than my appointment the Monday before. I told them I thought my water had broken and they blew me off. The PA said that she didn't think it was broken. They gave me the option of going home or walking around the hospital for 2 hours and coming back to get checked again for any cervical progression. We chose to go home.

The contractions eventually stopped and I went to work on Thursday. I still felt like my water might be broken and felt kind of off but I didn't want to go back to the hospital just for them to tell me I was wrong again. Friday morning I got up at around 745 and immediately started having strong contractions. I got ready for work and let Aaron know I was having contractions again. I changed my mind about 10 times as to whether or not I should go to work and finally decided to just go. My office is 5 minutes from the hospital so I figured if I had to run over I could. The contractions continued through the morning and I started feeling really crappy. I called my mom and Aaron. I told Aaron I was coming home and that we would probably be returning to the hospital later. As I was walking down the stairs and out to my car I changed my mind and called Aaron again. I told him to drop Brinley off with my mom and to meet me at the hospital ASAP.

I went to OB emergency services again to get things checked out. Thankfully a different PA was on service that morning. They got me hooked up to the monitors and checked me. The PA said, I think your water is broken and I think the baby has already pooped! They did a bunch of quick tests and determined that my water had in fact broken! I told them that I came in on Wednesday because I thought my water had broken and they figured that my water was broken the whole time. I called Aaron and let him know that they baby was coming today! They had me pretty worried because it is dangerous for your water to be broken for so long because of the risk of infection.
They decided to get an IV started and get me admitted. A nursing student from BYU and an instructor came in to start an IV. The poor nursing student had never started an IV on a patient before, only fellow students so she was super nervous. She came at me with that needle just shaking like crazy and she made me nervous. She missed and the instructor wasn't all that helpful so I ended up helping the poor girl start my IV. It was so painful and I think I just about broke Aaron's hand squeezing it so hard. I had to tease the student that they sent BYU students to the U to torture the patients. Once the IV was started and the blood work drawn they sent me over to Labor and Delivery. I walked over there because I knew it would be my last chance to walk for a while.
Once I got to L&D and met my nurse I let them know I would take the epidural any time they could give it. While waiting for the epidural my water really broke. I got the epidural a short time later and we settled in to wait. I ended up dilating really fast and was ready to go by 430pm. We decided to wait 1 more hour to let Wyatt descend on his own. Finally around 600pm it was time to start pushing. I started pushing and got to feel his little head. Then all hell broke loose. I was still pushing and the midwife and my nurse were yelling at me to push harder. I felt like I was going to pass out but kept pushing. Then I heard the midwife tell the nurse to push the button and 15 people came running into the room. Wyatt was stuck. It was a condition called shoulder dystocia. The baby's shoulder gets stuck under the pubic bone and it causes compression of the umbilical cord. It is pretty dangerous for both mom and baby. Luckily he was only stuck for 60 seconds before they got him out. The midwife cut the cord and rushed him to the waiting pediatricians.

Unfortunately he wasn't breathing and we had a pretty scary few minutes while they sucked out all the gunk from his stomach and lungs. I kept looking at Aaron and back at Wyatt waiting to hear that cry. I could see him across the room between all the bodies of all the people working on him and I remember thinking that his hands were huge. He finally cried and I started crying with relief. They gave him to Aaron and I got to hold him for just a minute before they whisked him and Aaron off to the nursery to make sure he was really OK.

I was able to get up and start walking around about 30 minutes after he was born and got cleaned up and changed and settled in to wait for Aaron and Wyatt to come back. My Mom brought Brinley up to the hospital then and I was so happy to see her. I was happy to have some time to hang out with her before she met baby brother.
They let Brinley ride in my lap while they transferred us to our room. Aaron came in to check on us and Brinley was so happy to see him. They got tired of waiting and went to see peek at brother in the nursery.

They finally brought baby Wyatt to us and Brinley got to meet her little brother. She loved him from the very beginning. She wanted to hold him right away. She gave him sweet little kisses and was so gentle with him. I was so proud of her.

Despite the scary delivery and the water breaking early Wyatt is perfect. He is happy and healthy and adores his big sister. I can't believe he is already 6 weeks old. Time is flying by and I am loving being at home with both kiddos. We have so much fun together. Wyatt is the best baby. He is already sleeping 6-8 hours at night, he rarely cries and he is just all around a sweet baby. We are so happy to have him and to have our little family complete.


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