Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring is finally on its way

I am back home after a long 7 days of work. I love my time off with Brinley. Today we are sitting outside playing and enjoying the sunshine. Brinley is coloring with sidewalk chalk and asking me to blow bubbles while I sneak in a blog post. She loves to be outside and will watch the kids in the neighborhood if they are out and about. She runs to the fence and wants the dogs outside with us. She calls them Mar-mar and Sssge (Marley and Sage).

Brinley hasn't had any more bad allergy attacks just some hives here and there. Our pediatrician is sending us to a pediatric allergy specialist. Unfortunately the next available appointment isn't until the middle of June. So we will just have to keep a close eye on her until then. Here she is on a hive day being a ballerina
She brings us her tutus to put on and then dances around the house. My mom's friend and nail lady, Nancy gave Brinley these two beautiful outfits.

She loves to take everything out of my wallet. She is such a goof.

Brinley has quite the little personality these days. She is learning so much. She talks and signs like crazy. She wants nothing to do with men she doesn't know. Today while we were playing outside Aaron and his boss stopped by for a bit and she steered clear of him. She loves other kids and hugs and kisses them. She has been going to a class at the little gym on Mondays and she loves it. She is currently obsessed with Sesame Street. She will bring me the movies and beg until I give in and put one in for her. She is also obsessed with Cheetos. She tries to say Cheetos but usually gives up and says snack instead. I try to keep them in an upper cupboard so she won't get into them all day and she points to the cupboard they are in. She is also obsessed with Gerber Yogurt melts. She will eat them by the bag if we let her.

She really is the best little kid in the world. She is so affectionate, she always has a hug or kiss for Mommy and Daddy. I couldn't ask for more. We just love her to pieces. I am excited for this summer and all the fun it will bring.

Aaron will be starting a new blog soon. As you all know Aaron loves to have projects. He has been working his tail off and now he has another fun project. We are renovating a 1973 travel trailer. As soon as we figure out a name for it I will send out the new blog address. We will be needing lots of opinions and we will show you the progress along the way. I love having such a handyman husband. Love you babe.


D. Berry said...

Thanks for posting. It is so good to see pictures of her. What a busy little bee. I wish we lived closer so that we could see her and play with her. We will have to pay a visit soon. Love you!

D. Berry said...

PS this is not Devan it is Brittney, i am just too lazy to sign in under the right name.