Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Daily Battle

As I have complained numerous times on this blog, I am having a really hard time with this pregnancy thing. I am so excited to meet our daughter but it hasn't been easy for me. The morning sickness started right at week 4. I found out I was pregnant on a Thursday and started throwing up on Sunday. I should have been prepared, my sister was pretty sick with 2 of her pregnancies and my mom was sick with all three of us. I have pretty much gotten used to the puking (if you can ever really get used to it). I worry about my teeth but hopefully the dentist can help me out after she is born. I think one of my biggest frustrations is my daily battle with food. It is so hard for me to find something to eat. If I don't eat, I am sick, if I do eat I am sick but not as bad. Poor Aaron has had to endure countless battles of what are we going to eat today? I don't know how he survives living with me. There have been lots of tears and Aaron has to just laugh because it is pretty pathetic that I cry because I don't know what to eat. I am looking forward to the day that food sounds and tastes good again. I am hoping I will one day be able to look at saltines again without feeling my stomach turn. We have about 4 months to go and it is encouraging that I have made it more than halfway. I am pretty lucky, I have been pretty healthy and our baby is healthy. That is all that really matters, that she is healthy and happy. We are still waiting for Aaron to be able to feel her kick, I think it will be soon as I am getting bigger every day. Thanks for listening to me complain!


Tiff said...

i'm sorry, that totally sucks! i feel your pain though, i was so sick with my last pregnancy! if i can do anything for you let me know! but i'm super excited to see her!!

The Webster Family~ said...

I feel for ya girl... I was so sick when I was pregnant with Mayci! My sickness went away at about 6 months along and then all I wanted to do is eat lol! Well good luck hopefully the sickness stage will pass soon for ya. I can't wait to see new pictures of the nursery! Take care~