Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What we have been up to this summer

So, I have been a major blogging slacker for the past few months. A lot of that has to do with work, I am major burned out. I don't want to talk much about work on my blog so lets just move on to summertime fun. We decided one day to head up to Jordanelle for the day to try and beat the heat. I didn't know the water there was so cold! Maybe I am just getting wimpy in my old age. Anyway, we had a good time just letting Brinley play in the water and Aaron attempted to fish. All he caught was a seagull that fortunately got away!

I know she looks a little scared in this shot but I promise she was having fun.

She is also not out there unsupervised. I am there, just over to the right. I am wearing a swimming suit so I promise that none of you will EVER see those pictures.

Tom's Mom-Granny Pat and her husband- Grandpa Joe were in town for the 4th of July so we went and hung out with them for the day. We started out hanging out on the deck snacking and trying to stay cool. If you look closely you can see Brinley getting sprayed with water to try and stay cool.

She had a great time with 6 adults around catering to her every whim and trying to entertain her.

She loves poppers. She started playing with them out back on the deck and then we moved on to the front for more poppers fun.

After a wardrobe change (Miss Brinley got a bit wet and dirty, imagine that!) We went out front to burn off some energy and wait for sunset and fireworks.

Brinley loves it when her Daddy takes her for rides in the Burley. She was playing on the Burley and trying to convince someone to take her for a ride.

This is when I "caught" her sneaking around the cars to try and scare all the grandparents. This is a favorite game of Brinley's. She laughs so hard, it is one of my favorite things to do with her.

Finally, time for some sparkler fun. I was glad Daddy was there to help her out. She wasn't so sure about the sparklers.

The end of the night. One more wardrobe change- it got a bit chilly for the dress- and a diet coke to enjoy the fireworks. She had a great day and was tired out.

I am forever trying to sneak pictures of my handsome husband. I just think he is very photogenic and I love capturing his smile. I was a bit of a pest on the 4th.

He is forever getting annoyed with me for trying to take his picture all the time.

Grandpa Joe brought all of the boys Cuban cigars (gag, gag, cough, cough). Aaron loves a Cuban cigar. The boys sat out front smoking the cigars and I put my long lens on my camera so Aaron would think I was taking pictures of Brinley and I snuck in a few shots of him. I love this one. Pure laughter.

There is a real genuine, Aaron smile. I love it.

And this is me getting caught. Guess I am not as sneaky as I thought!

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