Monday, March 2, 2009

Whew what a fun weekend!

This weekend Brinley's great grandparents on the Petty side came to visit Brinley and her cousin Kennady. I guess they came to see all of us but mostly the two great grandbabies. They brought presents and bought lots more when they were here. Grammy bought Kennady and Brinley these adorable hats. We put them in matching outfits with the hats on in the hopes of having a cute photo shoot with both babies (Kennady is 10 months old). Brinley was having none of it. She wasn't in the mood to have her picture taken, she just wanted to be held while she slept. So here are some pictures of the girls in their cute hats just not of the girls together...

1 comment:

The Webster Family~ said...

Cute hat! We want one lol! Brinley is such a beautiful baby, wow! :)